
Displaying 13 - 15 of 15
Fits into all standard in-wall junction boxes Dual connection access via two USB ports Broad range of applications chargeable Independent from notebooks and PCs
The devices are protection class II compliant, voltage controlled, current-limited and continuously short-circuitproof, which means they offer a high level of operational safety combined with a long operational life. They also comply with the latest guidelines. Thanks to idle consumption of ≤ 300 mW and high efficiency at every power level, the units comply with the current threshold values of various energy efficiency programs, such as Energy Star, MEPS or ErP.
The devices are protection class II compliant, voltage controlled, current-limited and continuously short-circuitproof, which means they offer a high level of operational safety combined with a long operational life. They also comply with the latest guidelines. Thanks to idle consumption of ≤ 300 mW and high efficiency at every power level, the units comply with the current threshold values of various energy efficiency programs, such as Energy Star, MEPS or ErP.