GPS Synchronized Clocks

- High performance GPS disciplined Time/Frequency standard
- Ethernet Interface for management and control
- Network Time Protocol (NTP)
- Multiple 1PPS outputs with individual delay compensation
- Multiple Low Phase Noise 10MHz outputs with software programmable level
- Time Code outputs including Have Quick, IRIG A, IRIG B, IRIG E, IRIG G
- Sync to GPS or to Have Quick/1PPS per ICD-GPS-060
- Choice of internal disciplined OCXO or Rubidium Oscillator
- 1U 19” rack mount
- Dual Redundant hot swappable Power Supplies
- Dual GPS Disciplined Modules

- Universal GPS , IRIG A, B, E, G, NASA36, and HaveQuick inputs
- 12 channel GPS receiver
- 16 programmable outputs for time codes and pulse rates
- Output codes include NTP, IRIG A, B, E, G, H, NASA36, HaveQuick, 1PPS
- Electrical time code input/output
- Dual Independent Ethernet ports with integrated web server control
- High Stability Oven Controlled Oscillator Standard
- 9-Digit Time Display
- Redundant Hot Swappable Power Supplies
- 1U 19” rack mount