FormFactor - HPD JDry-250 - Cryogen-free Dilution Refrigerator
Low running costs, less vibration, less noise, reduced maintenance
Large convenient experimental access: Up to 12 line-of-sight ISO100 ports located on perimeter of plates
CMN calibrated thermometry on MC plate
Operation via touch panel controller: Remote operation via ethernet interface
FormFactor’s JDry cryogen-free dilution refrigerators enable easy and cost-effective cooling to temperatures below 10 mK. The JDry models have been optimized for quantum computing applications and can accommodate up to 270 semirigid cables. General-purpose configurations and astronomy/detector cooling are also provided.
The JDry cryogen-free dilution refrigerator series includes multiple standard models. All are available with easy push-button cooling using the robust and fully-automated NI LabVIEW™-based “JACoB” gas-handling system (GHS).
The JDry-250 model is fitted with a cold-plate of 305 mm (12″) diameter, and provides a cooling power of more than 250 µW at 100 mK.
More Product Information

Low running costs, less vibration, less noise, reduced maintenance
Large convenient experimental access: Up to 12 line-of-sight ISO100 ports located on perimeter of plates
CMN calibrated thermometry on MC plate
Operation via touch panel controller: Remote operation via ethernet interface

Customizable configuration up to 25 contacts: RF, Eye-Pass power, ground, logic
Lithographically-defined tips allow automated over temperature measurement on pads as small as 30 µm x 50 µm
Low and repeatable contact resistance on aluminum pads (< 0.05 Ω) ensures accurate results
Durable probe structure ensures more than 250,000 contacts
Able to measure from -40°C to +125°C without compromising performance or accuracy of specifications

Re-configurable for DC, RF, mmW, FA, WLR and more
Thermal range: -60˚C to 300˚C available
Upgrade path to meet your future needs
Stable and repeatable measurements over a wide thermal range
Moisture-free, light-tight and EMI-shielded test environment with MicroChamber® technology
Advanced EMI-shielding with PureLine with AttoGuard technologies
Best solution for low-noise and 1/f measurements
Minimize AC and spectral noise
Minimizes settling times for efficient measurements, without compromising accuracy over full thermal range
Locking roll-out stage
Innovative microscope remote control
Intuitive ergonomic stage controls
Quick, safe, and comfortable wafer access
Easy on-wafer navigation
Fast setup and test data gathering
Dedicated Velox version for manual probe stations
AugmentedAlign tool with on screen markers for improved RF measurement accuracy

Different substrate carriers for wafers up to 150 mm or single dies
Up to six positioners
Probe positioners placed inside vacuum chamber
Short and stable probe arms
Ergonomic and straightforward design
Intuitive, manual operation
Independent control of linear chuck stage and positioners
Contact/separation stroke for probe platen

Ideal for a wide range of applications such as RF, mm-Wave and sub-THz characterization, FA, DWC, MEMS, optoelectronic tests and WL
Re-configurable and upgradable as requirements grow
Minimizes setup times with no loss in performance or accuracy
Seamless integration of various measurement instruments
Solid station frame
Built-in vibration-isolation solution for superior vibration attenuation
Rigid microscope bridge
Compact and rigid mechanical design
Highly accurate measurement results
Incorporates best-known methods
Ergonomic and straightforward design for comfortable and easy operation
Low-profile design
Simple microscope operation
Quick and ergonomic change of DUT through pull-out stage
Minimize training efforts
Fast time to data
Convenient operation

Easy and fast setup of camera views
Go to Light and Image Settings of the selected camera view with only one mouse click
Guided workflows for wafer setups, alignment tools and Autonomous Assistants
Workflow wizard shows task-relevant settings and options only
Visualizes the progress of setup, alignment and measurement tasks
Status information always at hand
Informs the user about events, for example “Successful Alignment”
Interacts with the user and helps with intelligent solutions
For very complex wafer structures
Enables automatic test of multiple devices in each die location before stepping to the next die

Ease of use – Less experienced operators can perform DC measurements by simply pushing a button. This reduces the need of experienced users full time on each system.
Reduced Soak Time – The system will automatically re-align the probes to the pads if they drift from alignment. This reduces test time and increases throughput.
Unattended Use – Measurements can be left running over night or the weekend, testing all devices on the wafer, and at different temperatures without the need of an operator.

DC-40 GHz bandwidth
10 ps rise time
Low insertion and return loss
2 mils of tip-to-tip compliance
High probing angle and clearance

FormFactor, Inc.
FormFactor, Inc. (NASDAQ:FORM) is a leading provider of essential test and measurement technologies along the full IC life cycle – from characterization, modeling, reliability, and design de-bug, to qualification and production test.
We constantly strive to help our customers solve the advanced test and measurement challenges of the broader semiconductor industry. Our focus on customer partnership, innovation, agility and operational excellence allows us to earn sustainable business every day.
Contact Details
FormFactor, Inc. Corporate Headquarters
7005 Southfront Road, Livermore, CA 94551, USA
Phone: 925-290-4000
Test & Measurement